In these words, we believe that everyone should be educated on how to heal themselves and others. Whether you are interested in gaining this knowledge for your own self-healing or as a healthcare practitioner, we offer a variety of courses and degree programs in Hygienic Health, Natural Health Sciences, and Orthopathic Medicine for you to choose from.
Review our excellent Diploma and Degree Program offerings today and then take advantage of our new low Tuition Fees currently available. We are required to keep the student to staff ratios at optimum levels for the benefit of all our students as well as our staff, so we can only enroll a limited number of qualified applicants per month.
Turn your passion for natural health and healing into action and take advantage of our ultra-low tuition fees and register now and please inquire if there are currently any incentive and/or before the discount programs available or that you may qualify for today, and include a caption to have them “Call or Email Today!” for more information.
Be trained as a wellness coach and/or facilitator as well as learning about your own dynamic – whole person model – plus, develop the expertise in delivering our Natural Hygienic Wellness Programs to as many individuals and/or groups as you wish, and experience the wondrous journey to your own heightened personal plateaus of health, wellbeing, confidence, and longevity.
Why should you enroll in The College of Natural Health Diploma or Degree Programs?
- Jumpstart Your Career, and
- Study with the Best in the World, and
- Become a Practitioner of Alternative Medicine and/or Natural Medicine studying an updated Natural Hygienic curriculum based on the premises of Natural Hygiene, and
- Turn your passion for health and healing into action, and
- Make a difference in natural and alternative health care in your community.
Our students are being trained in the knowledge of Natural Hygienic Principles!
Rapidly growing modalities in the fields of natural and alternative medicine – Natural Hygiene – unquestionably requires from all-natural health care practitioners and/or facilitators a very clear understanding of hygienic energy and its many puzzling features that make its practical use much more complex than just the use of well-researched and regular energy.
Using natural hygienic energy often presents to alternative health care practitioners confusing and/or contradictory explanations of the principles of their functions. This situation makes it difficult to effectively use natural hygienic protocols in one’s practice and to ensure the safe and successful progress of hygienic modalities in general.
Up until now, there has been no educational course and/or book available that clearly explains the origin of natural hygienic energy, its properties, and mechanisms of its interaction with physical matter and living organisms. However, this course in, “Natural Hygiene and Nutrition,” is intended to resolve the above-described awkward situation that currently exists in the many fields of natural and alternative practices in health care.
This course in “Natural Hygiene and Nutrition” will give students a clear understanding of what natural hygienic energy is, what it is not, will demonstrate algorithms normally governing natural hygienic energy actions and interactions, and discuss all possible ways it interacts with physical matter and can improve the human body. A bridge will be established between the ancient understanding of the “life force” and modern science’s knowledge about fundamental forces acting in our Universe. It will be shown how this insight, combined with modern technology, allows for the development of methods to harness natural hygienic energy. This course provides practitioners and facilitators with a direction for creative approaches to natural hygienic health care practices and a methodology for using natural hygienic energy throughout their own personal lives and/or installed in their own practices.
When you enroll in any of our exciting Diploma and/or Degree Programs here at The Fit For Life® Sciences Institute/the College of Natural Health, not only will you be furthering your education but you also will be able to take advantage of the lowest tuition fees available for these types of unique, quality home-study education programs. The Fit For Life® Sciences Institute/the College of Natural Health was founded on the life sciences principles that everyone should have access to an education that can teach them how to heal themselves as well as others. Whether you are interested in gaining this knowledge for yourself, for your family and friends, or you would like to help others as a natural healthcare facilitator/practitioner, we offer courses, proficiency certificates, and degree programs in Holistic Health, Life Sciences, Natural Hygiene, Nutritional Programs, Alternative Medicine and the Healthiest of Lifestyles.
Contact our Admissions Registrar and/or Our Director of Student Services Today!
Our Associate Degree or Diploma Course is the most “student-friendly” distance-educational program you will ever work with, and at the same time, it provides the most comprehensive information in Natural Hygiene and Nutrition. It is fully self-contained and does not require other study materials, although we do have additional and recommended supplementary materials available for all those who wish to apply a greater emphasis on counseling others or operating their own alternative natural health care business.
The reference materials and publications can also be extremely useful to individuals who want to gain additional knowledge for their personal health and lifestyle improvements.
Each lesson starts with the “theme” of the basic principles that are expounded upon and taught throughout that lesson. It provides a clear statement of the lesson’s objectives, and all major sections are identified with the same, clearly listed instructions. The materials contained in each lesson present strong arguments in support of its theme, and the key concepts and important facts are fully developed for each lesson. Each individual lesson contains its own series of workbook tests so the student can self-test their degree of knowledge and understanding of each specific part before moving on to new information. We know that this independent distance-education diploma course in “Natural Hygiene and Holistic Nutritional Sciences” is the answer you have been searching for.
Once you have successfully fulfilled the requirements of our program you will have earned, and will then receive, your Diploma in “Natural Health (Hygiene) and Nutrition” from the College. Your Diploma confirms and signifies that you now have in-depth knowledge and a firm understanding of the basic concepts of natural health (hygiene) and nutrition as they apply to human health. Your professional knowledge allows you to move towards a career in Natural Health Care.
You can play a major role in improving the health and lifestyle of your loved ones and those who will need your help to develop and understand the reasons that these changes are all for their own betterment and healthier future.
You can also share this life-saving knowledge and wisdom with clients and the public at large, and as your enthusiasm and confidence grow, you can set your newly-learned talents to the pursuit of an exciting career in alternative health care. As you guide and inspire others to take their first steps on a lifelong path to natural wellness, you will discover countless opportunities that will await your creative and newly- educated touch.
Our lessons are in-depth. Each lesson is really a mini-course, focusing on a particular aspect of health. The spectrum of health sciences that these lessons cover makes the full course compatible with having a “health library” at your fingertips. The lessons you receive are rich in Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Cytology, Physical Fitness, Holistic Living, and Nutritional Health Sciences.
Tuition Fees and Enrollment Costs
Please contact the College’s Registrar’s Office or the College Enrollment Department for more information and a detailed list of costs, fees, and shipping expenses along with an appropriate enrollment form for review without any costs or obligations.
Contact our Admissions Registrar and/or Our Director of Student Services Today!
The College offers a distance-education bachelor’s degree in Natural Hygienic Science (BHSc). It provides all graduate students from our Diploma or Associate Degree Program in “Natural Health (Hygiene) and Nutrition” with an opportunity to go further in the health sciences of natural hygiene or Orthopathy.
Natural Hygiene (or Orthopathy) is an alternative to medicine that claims that the human body can and will heal itself if the causes of disease are removed. However, it does acknowledge that this concept is not helpful for some conditions, such as diabetes and others. For chronic conditions and serious diseases, it recommends being under the supervision of a professional medical practitioner as well.
We cater to all students with the resources and learning tools to independent study in the field of Alternative Hygienic Healthcare and related areas. Our degree program covers specifically assigned areas you need to learn in Natural Health, Hygiene, and Nutrition to become a professional hygienic science practitioner and alternative healthcare facilitator. You will need to incorporate the knowledge research and expertise of many renowned natural health scholars and professional natural health educators to complete your assigned dissertation or essay for your Bachelor’s Degree (BHSc). The assigned topics or subjects are designed to give each student a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of a specific area or modality of natural health and hygienic science.
Through the accomplishment of this Bachelor’s Degree (BHSc) Program, you will further your knowledge and expertise in various areas of the Alternative Healthcare and Hygienic Science modalities. Your degree will help you to become an effective, professional member of the Natural and Alternative Health Care team and a practicing “Hygienic Scientist”. You will be more than equipped with the knowledge to become a Professional Natural Health Consultant, Nutritional Counselor, Alternative Health Facilitator, or just to successfully guide yourself and your loved ones to proper, natural, proactive and independent long-lasting health.
Our faculty has prepared an assigned subject or topic for you along with many training materials, ideas, formats, and everything you need to complete your assigned essay to submit as your dissertation for your official Bachelor’s Degree in “Natural Hygiene Science.” All essays, dissertations, and/or texts are to be written in a language everyone can understand and that are complete with rational, objectives, key concepts, salient facts, detailed references, bibliographies, definitions, and necessary summaries, along with any supplementary text materials or support outlines. You can study at your own pace, write your essay when ready, and submit your paper when you have it well prepared and completed.
What is a Bachelor's Degree?
Also known as Baccalaureate degrees, bachelors’ degrees are degrees awarded by colleges or universities. This undergraduate degree allows students to select both an area of study (referred to as a ‘major’) and an area of concentration (referred to as a ‘minor.’) Traditionally, a Bachelor’s Degree must be completed before embarking on a master’s or doctoral degree.
Traditionally, students enter a bachelor’s program either directly from high school or by transferring credits from previous coursework (for example, an associate degree in our case this would be our Associate Degree or Diploma Course in Natural Hygiene (Health) and Nutrition. As the workforce becomes more educated, many industry professionals with work experience are also returning to school to begin or complete a degree.
Tuition Fees and Enrollment Costs
Please contact the College’s Registrar’s Office or the College Enrollment Department for more information and a detailed list of costs, fees, and shipping expenses along with an appropriate enrollment form for review without any costs or obligations.
Contact our Admissions Registrar and/or Our Director of Student Services Today!
The College offers a distance-education Master's Degree in the Hygienic Sciences (MHSc) or Orthopathy. It provides all graduate students from our Diploma or Associate Degree Program in “Natural Health (Hygiene) and Nutrition” as well as from our Bachelor Degree Program in Natural Hygienic Science with an opportunity to go further in the health sciences of natural hygiene or Orthopathy. Natural Hygiene (or Orthopathy) is an alternative to medicine that claims that the human body can and will heal itself if the causes of disease are removed.
However, it does acknowledge that this concept is not helpful for some conditions, such as diabetes and others. For chronic conditions and serious diseases, it recommends being under the supervision of a professional medical practitioner as well.
We cater to all students with the resources and learning tools to independent study in the field of Alternative Hygienic Healthcare and related areas. Our degree program covers specifically assigned areas you need to learn in Natural Health, Hygiene, and Nutrition to become a professional hygienic science practitioner and alternative healthcare facilitator. You will need to incorporate the knowledge, research, and expertise of many renowned natural health scholars and professional natural health educators to complete your assigned dissertation or thesis for your Master's Degree (MHSc). The assigned topics or subjects are designed to give each student a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of specific areas or modalities of natural health and hygienic science all based on the philosophies and practices of Orthopathy.
Through the accomplishment of this Master Degree (MHSc) Program, you will further your knowledge and expertise in various areas of the Alternative Healthcare and Hygienic Science modalities. Your degree will help you to become an effective, professional member of the Natural and Alternative Health Care team and a practicing “Hygienic Scientist”. You will be more than equipped with the knowledge to become a Professional Natural Health Consultant, Nutritional Counselor, Alternative Health Facilitator, or just to successfully guide yourself and your loved ones to proper, natural, proactive, and independent long-lasting health.
Our faculty will prepare an assigned subject or topic for you along with many training materials, ideas, formats, and everything you need to complete your assigned dissertation to submit as your thesis for your official Master Degree in “Hygiene Science”. Your thesis, dissertation, and/or the major paper is to be written in a language everyone can understand and that is complete with rational objectives, key concepts, salient facts, detailed references, bibliographies, definitions, and necessary summaries, along with any supplementary text materials or support outlines. You can study at your own pace, write your thesis when ready, and submit your thesis when you have it well prepared and completed all within the three-year period allotted.
What is a Master's Degree?
The Master Degree (MHSc) is awarded upon completion of two to three years of advanced graduate study beyond the Bachelor Degree (BHSc), with the length depending on the field of study and the conferring institution. It recognizes heightened expertise in an academic discipline or professional field of study, gained through intensive course work and, in most cases, the preparation of a culminating project, scholarly paper, thesis, or a comprehensive examination.
Benefits of Studying Orthopathy (Hygienic Science)
Our students come from all occupations, levels of education, ages, and backgrounds. Our program will inspire and motivate you to change and empower you to live the healthy life you have always dreamed about living. The most common observation made by our students is “how much this knowledge has changed their lives.”. If you want to take responsibility for your own health, you too can restore balance in your life and the lives of others, and then you can all enjoy the benefits of healthy living.
Tuition Fees and Enrollment Costs
Please contact the College’s Registrar’s Office or the College Enrollment Department for more information and a detailed list of costs, fees, and shipping expenses along with an appropriate enrollment form for review without any costs or obligations.
Contact our Admissions Registrar and/or Our Director of Student Services Today!
Graduate Testimonials
We are excited to share the stories of many of our graduates who have become successful practitioners, manifesting their life’s passion by finding fulfilling jobs or enhancing their chosen careers with a Fit For Life® Sciences Institute quality education. These students decided to follow their passion and enroll, and their Fit For Life® Sciences Institute education changed their lives and they can now encourage you to do the same!
“As, a graduate of this course, I give it my highest recommendation and strongest endorsement. If YOU want a career in Natural Health, join our team.”
Author Lecturer, Teacher and Practitioner
Not only has the invaluable knowledge I have gained from doing the course benefited me in my day-to-day life, confirming what I instinctively felt – that the body knows best, but has also enabled me to steer others to help themselves. Therefore if you’ve ever had doubts that the way we ‘treat’ ourselves in this day and age is not necessarily the best or only way there is – this course will challenge you positively to assess for yourself the reality of living health.
The course contents, structure, and support system are fantastic, easy to digest (!), and extremely helpful. The financial investment is more than worth it! Go forth and learn for yourselves (I recommend it most highly)!
Student of Natural Hygiene and Nutritional Sciences
After many years of studying so many different health programs (and trying all of them on myself with mixed results), I have finally discovered through this education the primordial principles of health – universal principles (laws) which are impersonal and true for everybody, regardless of age or sex or blood type or whatever.
The Fit For Life® Sciences Program has not only taught me what to eat, how to detoxify my body, and the importance of sufficient rest, fresh air, mental rest, clean water, etc. More importantly, I have learned how to think for myself about my own health and to not be swayed by all the contradictory information out there (you’ve probably heard that red wine and chocolate are now good for you!). Although I have respect for the medical profession and the emergency skills they have developed, the medical/pharmaceutical model of how the body works (and its underlying false assumptions) was not working for me.
Engineering Consultant
“This study course is the most factual, accurate, and myth-shattering nutritional program you will find. It is based simply on how the body operates and has no vested interests or commercial sponsors to answer to. It is based on biological facts and therefore works. That’s the bottom line….You will get the results you want with this program.”
Author of the book “Awakening Your Self-Healing Body”
“Our own health is the fruit of rightful living practices and no one can prove otherwise. When you plant tomatoes… get tomatoes, not avocados. That is scientific! We are all governed by laws that do not care what we think of them, they just are! A bird is not a pilot. It just knows how to fly. All the knowledge is within its body. Natural Health (Hygiene) will teach you what your own body already knows.”
“Now I am practicing and teaching ‘Natural Health (Hygiene)’, giving seminars, meeting with corporate executives, running my own healthful retreat, and writing my own programs and books. This course is the most fundamentally important step anyone can make towards a career or even much-needed personal lifestyle improvements for better natural health and of course longevity.”
Author, Practitioner and Facilitator
“I have read hundreds of health books in Romanian, German, French, English, and Italian, and have never reached the conclusion that truth is far away from the ‘science’ professed by many in the so-called civilized countries in the world. This course makes the simple and basic truths come alive and allows you to understand and accept how each person must take charge of their own healthful destiny.”
“People who notice the changes in my life often ask me to explain my living practices. I walk five miles a day, play with my eleven grandchildren, and life could not be better. I have surely come a long way from the bloated, hurting, drugged, depressed lupus patient I was before taking this course that really opened my eyes. I tell people every day that they do not have to make all the changes immediately, but they must work towards making them. A little improvement can go along-way towards better health. I tell them that if they will just steadily make changes in the direction of good health, they will reap the rewards. I am living proof of that and I will never go back!
“After a hospital stay for asthma, I was told they could not find the source of my problem and I would just have to limit most activities and live with it. I was only 32 years old at the time! For the record, Natural Health (Hygiene) has saved my life.”
Simply contact the Director of Student Services today and they can answer any questions that you may have about our College. We feel that it is very important for you and for us to communicate so that we may help and support you better through all the days ahead, both during your studies, and after when a career and employment decisions need to be made. Request your enrollment application form and have it sent out to you for execution and submission.
Once you have submitted your enrollment application and paid the applicable tuition fees to the College you will receive your lessons, workbook tests, examination outlines, and examination documents from the College in one or more formats from USB Flash Drives, CD’s, to hard-cover textbooks depending upon your selections and/or choices. There are extra reference materials, books, and reference indexes available, and if you wish to acquire any of them simply let us know or add them to your enrollment form as your selections. Also, for most degree programs there are detailed course booklets available to the students to help guide and support them throughout their study terms.
Contact our Admissions Registrar and/or Our Director of Student Services Today!