About Our Business

Fit For Life International was founded in 1994 as a U.S. Corporation governed by an international group of alternative health care providers, counselors, and educators that are known as hygienic scientists and consultants. It is their agenda is to promote natural self-healing through healthier living worldwide for the benefit and overall wellbeing of all humanity. We achieve this via Fit For Life nutrition products, educational courses, and weight loss programs.

Although the company’s head office is currently in Canada, Fit For Life International, as well as Fit For Life Sciences Institute and The College of Natural Health, is global. We want to share the practical and complete application of the basic principles and truths of common sense and biologically correct living practices. Through these methods, people will have better health throughout the world today. You can sign up for one of our educational courses to learn more about alternative medicine.

Confident Young Man At His Desk


To promote an understanding of the authentic principles and practice of Natural Hygiene, the science of natural health modalities, as a living, a business, a dynamic philosophy, a science and lifestyle of health and self-healing as well as providing real flexitarian options to those who may feel a strict vegetarian and/or vegan lifestyle approach to better health is too much to deal with at the outset of any program and perhaps more than they can deal with right away.

  • To provide an international focus for people worldwide, interested in healthful living and the philosophical principles and awareness which supports it, and
  • To advocate, promote and support the living-raw foods, hygienic, plant-based diet, as the dietary lifestyle that is optimum for the healthy evolution of humankind and the preservation/regeneration of our natural environment, and
  • To promote the development of a sustainable, ecological, living-raw foods, garden-culture for human nourishment and the beautification, replenishment and healing of the Earth, and
  • To further develop the philosophy and practice of Natural Hygiene or healthful living, and to keep up to date with ongoing knowledge and understanding, and
  • To integrate the awareness of spiritual, mental, social and physical Hygiene to maximize our health potential, enlightenment, and joy in living, and
  • To support the education and professional development of Natural Healthcare Consultants and Hygienic Scientist Practitioners who can provide guidance and care to individuals on their self-healing journey, and
  • To provide and support both positive and profitable business opportunities in the fields of personal, professional facilitation of natural hygienic concepts, quality client counselling programs, weight management systems, dieting protocols, fitness modalities, and natural hygienic health care principles.

An image with multiple terms written out regarding living healthy. The founders of Natural Hygiene have up to now largely concentrated on understanding physiology, nutrition, fasting, the healing processes of the body and its needs, the medical-therapeutic paradigm, as well as articulating a broad framework for understanding the requirements of a healthful lifestyle. This has provided an excellent foundation and a broad framework of valid principles on which to further develop a greater understanding of the Hygiene of the mind, the spiritual principles for health and enlightenment, and the social-environmental requirements of health. Fit For Life® International and Fit For Life® Sciences Institute are both dedicated to the on-going development and promotion of hygienic health philosophy, science, education, diet and lifestyles and many exciting business opportunities in these fields which gives equal attention to all dimensions of our individual and planetary health and well-being. As well we are striving to develop more moderate concepts to encourage many more people to try to achieve a better, healthier and improved lifestyle and dietary practices.

We hope you enjoy browsing through our site and will join us on the Fit For Life® path to a happier, healthier and more compassionate world.